Millionaire on the run: Manfred Mauricio Quintanilla seeks to clear his name on the Internet with a questionable strategy

Manfred Mauricio Quintanilla false identity
Manfred Mauricio Quintanilla Hernández

In an attempt to redesign his public narrative, businessman Manfred Mauricio Quintanilla Hernandez, currently with an arrest warrant for tax evasion and an Interpol red notice, has deployed an ambitious digital strategy to position his name in a positive context.

Quintanilla has launched two websites: and These portals are dedicated to issues such as coastal conservation and sustainable sport fishing, with the aim of associating his name with social and environmental causes. However, technology experts have detected that the images published on these sites, which supposedly show him, were generated using artificial intelligence tools.

The strategy also includes active profiles on social networks such as X (formerly Twitter), TikTok and Facebook, where articles and positive content are disseminated. In addition, Quintanilla has invested in a public relations campaign that has managed to insert favorable articles in national media such as Eje Central, SDP Noticias, La Lista and even Newsweek. In them, he is presented as a prominent businessman in the culinary industry or as an environmental advocate.

This attempt to clean up his image comes in a context in which he is facing serious legal accusations that have led him to flee the country. Analysts warn that such strategies can influence public perception, but also raise questions about the responsibility of the media in publishing content promoted by characters with questionable backgrounds.

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